Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How our beliefs blind us

Governor Perry has made his position on gay marriage perfectly clear from the beginning, he does not and will never support it. So when he said he was okay with the passing of New York's same sex marriage law he had some supporters riled up. Not one to be mistakenly open to the idea of marriage equality he assured his supporters he is still "not fine with it" and was able to down the government and support states rights in the same comment. He believes that Obama's announcement that he would no longer defend DOMA could lead to activist judges and special interest groups forcing their beliefs on him. That statement that marriage equality activists are forcing their beliefs on us is undeniably hypocritical. In reality that's exactly what DOMA was, it shoved the belief that marriage had a clear definition from the bible in our faces.

We are raised to believe that when you are older you will fall in love with a member of the opposite sex and procreate. This belief is shown to us in television, books and obviously movies. So what about people who can't make themselves want what society says the should? Obviously there must be something wrong with them and they are therefore not fit to have the same freedoms as us. They must pay the same taxes, follow the same laws, and fit in with society as best they can, but literally god forbid we allow them the same rights. There is no way one can consider that not pushing certain beliefs on someone else. As a Buddhist I do not tell others that they are wrong to believe in the bible or the Koran and I would never try to stop someone from being who they were meant to be because they were different.We cannot use the bible as law of the land and that is exactly what is used to back the laws against same sex marriage. I'm sure conservatives would like to disagree but whenever our forefathers came here they came to flee religious prosecution. That is why the constitution backs the separation of church and state. You cannot want Texas to be a place of freedom and liberty but your are only free if you believe in Christianity and you are only moral if you do exactly as society says. That is where my disgust for our hypocrisy  comes from. We cannot have a state that values liberty but also persecutes others for having different lifestyles than we agree with.

It is one thing for a state to just not recognize same sex marriage but it is just plain ridiculous that we have laws making it illegal. How is that right to tell someone their love for someone is illegal. There is no real ethical backing to these laws, in fact it should be illegal to deny someone the right to marriage. So please Texas stop pushing your anti equality beliefs on me, its not right and its just plain annoying.