Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Obamas war on Texas...Really?

Robbie Cooper of the Urban Grounds blog has written a scathing post accusing Obama of combining his hatred of guns and Texas into a new federal gun rule. Cooper states that this is just a new attack in Obama's ongoing personal war against Texas. The new rule that has Cooper "up in arms" requires firearms licensees in border states to report purchases of two or more specific rifles by the same person in a five day span. For a person to be reported they must purchase semi automatic rifles with detachable magazines and a caliber greater than 22. The rule was put in place to help combat the flow of guns to Mexico. This is where Cooper really starts in with the accusations. He writes that if  "Eric Holder and the ATF really wanted to combat the flow of guns going to Mexico, they could stop selling and giving guns directly to the drug cartels and Mexican gangs." That is a pretty serious idea to be selling to people about their government, but this is Texas and getting people riled up is exactly what Cooper wants. He believes that US guns didn't arrive in Mexico until the Government began supplying them for use as examples to achieve tougher gun laws. He ends his article with quotes from legislators across the nation voicing their outrage of the new law, especially in wake of the recent "fast and furious scandal". If you read the comments you'll see that he achieves his goal and riles his readers up to spew more hatred towards Obama.

It is difficult to even decide where to start with Mr. Cooper's post. The fact that he makes statements like "Obama's hatred of Texas" and "his personal war against Texas" make an educated reader already write off his blog as ill informed and malicious. This leads one to realize that his articles are most likely intended for an anti liberal, pro gun, and anti anything Obama audience. There is of course nothing wrong with being biased, especially considering my blog has a quite an obvious one, but when an author makes up statements and changes facts they are turning their blog into more of a gossip site than a news commentary. He has a link to the original story on but fails to get the facts straight on the full details of the rule. Last but most certainly not least, I cannot understand why he is so upset about the rule anyway. I'm not necessarily anti guns but do we really need people owning semi automatic rifles with detachable magazines? I realize that there are target shooters and gun collectors but it still seems ridiculous to me. I believe the rule makes sense and people who are buying guns for the right reasons have nothing to worry about, and hopefully it will stop the ones with harmful intent.

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